port notes


The file available for download contains all the modified source and a simple Makefile to build under Linux running XFree86. There is no attempt to provide any automatic configuration, but the Makefile is rather simple. If you are building on other Unix platforms you may need to change the LIBS= line.

The game data files are not included. You will need a copy of the Spear of Destiny demo to use the code as supplied. The links page gives a link to a copy of the demo.

I have only tested this code using the demo version of Spear of Destiny. The id code has #ifdef's to select various versions of Wolfenstein, both retail and shareware. The shareware version 1.4 of Wolfenstein that is still available for download as 1wolf14.zip from various places does not work with the source code that id released.

The code will support PseudoColor or TrueColor visuals, but this is a compile time option. The default is to support TrueColor. I get a TrueColor visual when I run XFree86 in 16 bpp.


Unpack the compressed tar file in the normal way. Change to a convenient directory and then:
tar xfz xwolf-0.2.tar.gz

This will create the directory xwolf-0.2. Check the #define's at the head of the Makefile, then run make. At this time, there are several warnings generated, these can be ignored. You should end up with an executable xwolf.

You will need to copy the data files from the Spear of Destiny demo to the same directory as the executable. Note that the file names must be in uppercase. You need the following files:


Run the xwolf executable and the game should start in a small window.

Note that keyboard repeat is turned off when the game starts. The game tries to turn it back on when you quit, but if you find that keyboard repeat is still off you can turn it back on with:

xset r on

Last updated 7th March 1999
© Copyright 1999 David Haslam dch@sirius.demon.co.uk