port notes

XWolf is a port of the game Wolfenstein 3D to the X Window System. Wolfenstein 3D was released in 1992. It was written for DOS on the PC by id software who later went on to produce Doom and Quake. The game was published by Apogee who still list it in their online catalogue.

id software released the source for Wolfenstein 3D and this port is based on that code.

I made this port in 1997 because I was interested in learning how a 3d game like Wolfenstein worked, and to learn more about X programming.

I stopped work on this when I had got as far as getting the demo to run with all the graphics working. I then found other projects to play with.

The code that is available here is not intended to be a fully playable game. The timing is a little erratic and keyboard handling isn't complete. There is no sound support. It only works with the Spear of Destiny demo.

In February 1999 an announcement appeared on Freshmeat that someone had ported Wolfenstein 3D to Linux. The readme indicated that their were no graphics in this port, and as I had made the graphics work, it seems that my work might be of interest to others.

The Future

I was not planning to do any further work on this code, other than making it work with retail versions of Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny, if I ever managed to find them.

However, now that there are others interested I might start to look at the code again. I personaly don't have any strong desire to play Wolfenstein 3D on Linux, although others might. I see this as an educational project, and I may find time to tidy the code and write some documentation to be used as an example of how a real world ray-casting game engine works.


There is some documentation on the inner workings of the game and the X port.

Last updated 7th March 1999
© Copyright 1999 David Haslam dch@sirius.demon.co.uk