OpenNaken changes ----------------- 1.20 - Changed the menu Config to Settings - Redid the chat colors widget, easier to use, Notice, Background and foreground All in one widget - If your connection to the net is disconnected OpenNaken closes $conn the socket and puts the text Connection Broken in the top window. - Cleaned up the server.cfg - Made the chcolor.on, chcolor2.on, and chcolor3.on all in one lib called colorch.on - Menu colors look better - Took out the Highlight Option (made OpenNaken freeze if on) - Added a Private Message Window - Added some more commands when you right click on the main screen 1.10 - Menu added where if you click anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button it pops up - Shows the time and date - Colors fixed looks better - Eaiser to use 1.00 - Text on blank startup screen - New buttons in connect mode - Can make the screen Maximize full - Ballons come up if mouse runs over a certain thing, like buttons filemenus etc... - Cannot mazimize Op remote nor the commands for Ops remote - New quit lib, gives a widget asking if you want to quit. yes/no - More colors add for Background, foreground and the Notice color - New logos added for the current version - Change name has a popup widget - Change Channels has a popup widget - If you change channels with the channel widget, it adds the text Main in the feild so if you want to go back to the Main screen you logged in from - When the name change widget is used it will supply you old name that is stored in the default widget - Button are now on top of the entry feild, they have new colors also - Op remote has new color changes on it - Entry feild for typing gives the text "Type Here" then goes away after you erase it - Keyboard shortcuts, Page up/down work, home goes to the top of page, and end brings you all the way down the page. - Scrollbar now added for typeing feild - OpenNaken colors are changed - Can now change the Notice, background, and Foreground any color you wish with the Color Selector - Notice is now a popup widget - Foreground is now a popup widget - Background is now a popup widget - New French Version added 0.90 - Configure widget added to configure the defaults - Remote Ops widget, for ops only. Has Features for ops - More Images added - Help Menu cleaner - Shows name, server, and port in beginning forms - Your Info added, shows your Ip and more - Tittle bar and banner shows the server and port you connected to - New Help menus for new features - Buttons under Remote Ops Kick, Ban, Grab, Squelch, Change user name, Censoring, Give Ops, Server Password, and Chnage Location 0.80 - New Help Menu added - New Graphics/Logo