A work in progress.
In 1992 a relatively new company, id Software, released a new game called "Wolfenstein 3D". It provided something really new to gaming on the PC. A first person, "3D" view of the game world.
id also had the distinction of making a high quality engine (it has NEVER crashed on me) along with a very violent game. Where most games involved killing monster, picking fruit, etc., Wolfenstein was about a WWII escaped POW killing Nazis and trying to win his freedom.
I was so involved with flight simulators when Wolfenstein came out that I didn't pay much attention to it. After all, flight simulators had had a 3D view for a long time. I watched a few people play the game in the local CompUSA but they were so inept that it didn't seem to be much fun to get killed every few seconds. That all changed when I tried it myself after loading it from the id Anthology.
I had already experienced, Doom, Doom II and Quake before I tried Wolfenstein 3D. And it was great fun ANYWAY!
So what do I want to do to this masterpiece? Only update the game's technology. I started an OpenGL conversion of the game in the summer of 1997. Later than year (in December), id Software (John Carmack) released the source code to Doom and I started a Doom project and left Wolf 3D behind.
I'm going to have to recreate all that I did on the Wolf3D conversion to OpenGL but I learned enough about the game and its data structures that another attempt won't take as long. As with all of my new projects, I am also going to attempt to put in network client/server gameplay as well as make it 3D accelerated and multi-platform.
It will be a fair sized project and one that I think will be interesting.
I'll put more here when I get it started.
As luck would have it, even though I don't have the program code for the original project, now. I did find these two images that I made while I was working on getting the view height and perspective right. I thought you might like to see the difference between the software and OpenGL versions of the renderer.
A brief discussion of the Wolfenstein engine.
Wolfenstein 3D was written in the days when VGA was still not widespread and EGA graphics was still the highest resolution most people had. A plain old VGA card in 1991 still cost well over $100 and SVGA (Super VGA) cards were quite rare. Video Seven was the king of VGA in those days. Today the company doesn't even exist. Your low end PC in those days was a 286 running at 12Mhz (and 16Mhz for some) and average systems were 386 systems (16, 25 or 33Mhz). The 486 had made its debut the year before but were still hideously expensive (and quite unreliable).
id Software wrote Wolfenstein 3D to be able to run on 286 systems and to use EGA hardware since that was the lowest common denominator at the time. They put out a VGA compatible version a few months later. If you've run Wolfenstein on your Pentium/PII/PIII system, you can see that it runs incredibly fast.
I still have a 12Mhz 286 system here with a 512K Video Seven VGA card, 4 megabytes of RAM (extended and expanded card), a 660Mb ESDI hard drive and an Amdek 14 inch VGA monitor. Wolfenstein runs relatively well on that. But it isn't the speed demon that it is on my PIII systems. :o)
The reason that Wolfenstein runs so well on modern systems is because it was engineered to run as fast possible on systems that crawl by today's standards. It has a liberal sprinkling of assembly code in it as well as keeping its memory usage as low as possible. It runs completely within 640k of RAM. And it runs in "real" mode as a 16 bit program since protected mode wasn't practical at the time Wolf 3D was written.
Wolfenstein also does all its hardware communication directly. None of it is done through device drivers that are friendly to the operating systems. This is what is known as writing "to the metal". As a result of this, Wolf 3D (and every other DOS game that does this) won't run under Windows NT. NT doesn't like programs talking directly to the hardware it owns. So it won't allow them to run once they attempt to access the hardware directly.
The Wolf 3D engine uses a method of 3D rendering called ray-casting. You will have noticed that the engine uses 64 by 64 grids for the levels and that the level descriptions are completely two dimensional.
Ray-casting does not lend itself to true 3D rendering and perspective texture mapping. Like Doom, the Wolf 3D engine draws everything in posts. In a 2D+ world, all the pixels vertical segments are the same distance from the viewer and can be drawn to the same scale. All sprites are drawn from the center and the entire sprite is drawn the same scale.
The ceilings and floors are just colored flood fills of undrawn pixels. The entire world is split at the center of the screen. The floors never go above the mid point and the ceilings never go below the mid point. So once all the walls and sprites are drawn, any blank pixel above the midpoint must be ceiling and any blank pixel below the midpoint must be floor. They are just filled with ceiling or floor colored pixels.
Collision detection is done quite simply by using grid square occupation. A grid square can only hold one object at a time (except for ceiling lights which are a special case). So you can't go into a grid square that holds an object or an enemy.
Projectile (bullet) collisions are detected by using the vector of the shot versus the distance to and position of the target. A slight variance to your direction vector is added for each shot to mimic aiming innaccuracy.
Converting Wolf 3D into a 32 bit program.
As a number of folks have told me, converting the 16 bit source for Wolfenstein 3D into 32 protected mode can be rather daunting. I've had a goodly number of those folks tell me that they were doing a conversion only to tell me later that they gave up after looking at the Wolf 3D code in depth.
From my own experience, I have to agree with them that the conversion which at first looks relatively trivial, is not that simple. In fact, after a long look at the code, I decided that a new game engine using the same rules but which was written from the start as a 32 bit protected mode program would be easier to do and would work better.
Writing a complete 3D game engine from scratch is beyond the pale for most beginning programmers. So most (if not all) have given up after their first valiant effort. But I'm going to attempt it. What changes may be made along the way I can't really say, yet. Except that I know it will be 3D accelerated, and have a console. Multiplayer may not be feasible because of the paucity of sprites that support the views which would be necessary for players of a multiplayer version.
So, to make a 32 bit version of Wolf 3D you have to do three things.
1. The game rules (the Evelyn Wood version)
(Evelyn Wood gives speed reading courses here in the U.S. for those who don't know.)
The Player
Anyone who has played the game much is already familiar with the game's rules. The player searches each level, killing enemies, pocketing treasure, picking up health boosters and food, finding keys and finding secret doors to caches then finding the elevator(s) and moving to the next level. The player gets multiple lives and can pick up additional lives as items in the game. When the player dies, it uses up one of these lives. Once all the player's lives are used up, he loses the game.
The Enemies
The enemies in the game appear to be deaf. They do not move until they have sighted the player. Once they have sighted the player, they will follow him until either they are or the player is dead. Enemies have unlimited ammo. (well, dogs don't expend ammo but you know what I mean) Enemies say various things, too. They have predefined sayings when they sight the player and they make sounds when they get killed. This is also true of the Boss enemies on some levels.
The Levels
Each level consists of a grid of 64 by 64 "cells". Each cell can contain a single entity. This entity can be a player, an enemy or a game object. Some decorations are game objects (tables, urns, lamps, wells, etc.). If a game object is picked up by the player, that cell is empty. Cells which contain items that the player could pick up do not block the player's path. (or the path of the enemies) Objects in the game do not block shots fired. You can shoot right through any sprite. Even a stone well.
As far as I can tell, the game's elevators are single direction only. Once you get to the next level, you can't go back to the previous level.
Secrets (caches generally) can be found by pushing on special wall blocks. When you push on a secret, that wall section moves back to allow you to enter the room behind it. You get credit for the secret when you find it. Secret rooms can contain entrances to other secrets. The elevators to bonus levels are also inside secret rooms.
2. Extracting the game data
Extracting the game's data turned out to be a pretty good challenge in itself. I had to study the game's source code to determine how the game data was stored. I discovered that a lot of it was compressed. Partly to save space on the distribution diskette but also to make it harder for people to extract or replace the game data.
Even with the source code in hand, extracting the game data wasn't simple. To start with, the code has a tremendous number of ifdef's in it which alter the way the game data is stored or referred to based upon which version of the program is to be run. To make matters worse, the game source does not exactly match the game data I have for WL1 and WL6. I had to make changes in the definitions for the graphics. Some of the game graphics had been left out. I believe that, even if you get the game to compile using the Borland 3.0 compiler that it won't run except on game data that matches that code. I have no idea how to identify what version of the game data that is.
I have been successful in doing complete extractions of the retail Wolfenstein 3D, the shareware version (V1.1 not V1.0), Spear of Destiny (all three missions) and the Spear of Destiny demo. I've even found an "Easter Egg" picture in the game data called IDGUYS in the Spear of Destiny game data (the retail and demo versions).
There are three main parts to the game data. These divisions are the game maps, the graphics and the sound data. There are several files involved in storing and extracting the game data but they all end with the same extension (except for Spear of Destiny missions 2 and 3). In the Wolf 3D demo this extension is "WL1". In the full 6 level Wolf 3D this extension is "WL6". There is also a 3 episode Wolf3D with the extension of "WL3".
The Spear of Destiny versions and the Japanese version (no blood) use the extensions "SOD", "SDM", "SD1", "SD2", "SD3", "WJ1" and "WJ6". I do not have the Japanese version of Wolf 3D.
The Spear of Destiny mission 2 and 3 files are just the map files and the vswap file. They have extensions of SD2 and SD3 respectively. The other files have the same extension as the Spear of Destiny mission 1. The SD1 and SOD files are exactly the same. So don't worry about those.
There appear to be two different types of compression used on the game data. Huffman coding and RLE compression. The huffman coding is there, I believe, more to make the game data more inaccessible than to save space although Huffman does a fair job of compression (not nearly as good as Lempel-Ziv, but okay). The RLE encoding is definitely there to save space and to make the job of drawing the sprites faster. Only the sprites use RLE encoding, the other graphics are stored as rectangular images with no blank texels. The digital sound data is also stored with Huffman compression.
A. The Game Levels
The game levels, as I said earlier, are a two dimensional 64 by 64 square grid. Each "cell" is also 64 units on each side and is drawn 64 units high. There is only one floor height and one ceiling height on each game level. The level is stored using three grids.
The first grid is used to describe the level itself. It describes the walls on the level and the location of the secrets and the doors. Each grid "cell" describes the texture that would cover the four (exterior and interior) walls of that cell.
The second grid is used to show where all the game objects are (including the entrances to secrets).
The third grid is used to contain operational and logical information about the level. It holds the "turning points" for the game's enemies. And other information used by the game engine.
To extract these levels, you have to open two files. These files are called "MAPHEAD" and either "MAPTEMP" or "GAMEMAPS". There are two versions of the Wolf 3D demo game data. One uses "MAPTEMP" and the other uses "GAMEMAPS". The full version uses "GAMEMAPS". Fortunately, the game levels are stored the same way in both files. I will only be using the "GAMEMAPS" file name later on but it refers to either.
The MAPHEAD file is relatively small. It only contains a "signature" then the offsets in the GAMEMAPS file where the header data for that game level can be found. The number of game maps is not stored as a value in either of the map data files but you can determine it by counting the offsets in the MAPHEAD file.
The first thing in the MAPHEAD file is a signature code that is a 16 bit unsigned integer. (or two byte values if you prefer). The integer version is simply 0xABCD in hex. The two byte version is 0xCD and 0xAB as bytes 0 and 1. If this code does not exist in the file, then it is not valid. So far all the game data I have follows this. (including the Spear of Destiny data)
There is no indicator in the file header as to how many files there are. But you can determine that like this:
dboolean ReadMapHeader(char *filename, int *entries, unsigned long **offsets) { // locals FILE *fp = 0; int l_entries; unsigned long filesize, datasize, *l_offsets; unsigned char idbytes[2]; *entries = 0; *offsets = 0; // open the header file if ((fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { goto failed; } // read and check the idbytes fread(idbytes, 1, 2, fp) != 2) { // the file is FAR too short... goto failed; } if ((idbytes[0] != 0xCD) || (idbytes[1] != 0xAB)) { // the file id is invalid... goto failed; } // seek to the end of the file if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END)) { // hmmm, the seek failed goto failed; } // at the end of the file get the position if (!(filesize = ftell(fp))) { // the file is empty... goto failed; } // subtract the size of the idbytes datasize = filesize - 2; if (!(datasize) || (datasize % 4 != 0)) { // if the datasize is 0 or if it isn't a multiple // of 4 then the file is corrupted... goto failed; } // allocate memory for the offsets if ((l_offsets = (unsigned long *)malloc(datasize)) == NULL) { // couldn't allocate the memory... goto failed; } // seek back to the beginning of the offset data if (fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET)) { // hmmm, the seek failed goto failed; } // read the offset data if (!fread(l_offsets, datasize, 1, fp)) { // we've had an I/O error somehow... goto failed; } // close the file, we're done with it fclose(fp); fp = 0; l_entries = 0; while ((l_offsets[l_entries) && (l_entries * 4 <= datasize)) { l_entries++; } if (!l_entries) { goto failed; } *entries = l_entries; *offsets = l_offsets; return true; failed: if (fp) { fclose(fp); } if (l_offsets) { free(l_offsets); } return false; }Now, this may look rather complex, but a great deal of the code above is just error checking. We don't want our program to blow up because we didn't validate the steps. Don't forget that after this, you will have to free the memory allocated for the file offsets. This should be done as soon as you have the game map data loaded.
This function takes three parameters. The first is just the name of the header file. The other two are a pointer to the number of entries variable as well as a pointer to an array (pointer) that we can fill in when the function is called. If there is a problem with the data file, we return false and the variables to which pointers were passed are set to zero.
Now that we have the number of total levels we also know how many episodes there will be in the game. The game is divided into 10 levels per episode. So we just divide the number of levels by 10. (after we add 9, that is...)
The offsets we read from the map header file are actually offsets into the GAMEMAPS file. They tell us where the level header is in the GAMEMAPS file for each level in the game.
The level header structure looks like this:
typedef struct { unsigned long map_pointer; // 32 bits unsigned long object_pointer; // 32 bits unsigned long other_pointer; // 32 bits short map_size; // 16 bits short object_size; // 16 bits short other_size; // 16 bits short width; // 16 bits short height; // 16 bits unsigned char name[16]; // 16 bytes }maphead_t;The map_pointer, object_pointer and other_pointer elements are file offsets in the GAMEMAPS file of the map data, object data and other data for that game map. The map_size, object_size and other_size elements tell how much data to read from the file at the offset given in its corresponding offset member. The width and height (in my experience) are always 64 but you need to read them to move the file pointer to get the level's name which has a maximum length of 16 bytes. The level name may not have a null terminator although that element is filled with nulls at the end of the name.
The file offsets given are absolute offsets. This means that they are offsets from the beginning of the file rather than offsets from the level header (which would be relative offsets).
Once we have this information, we can then go read the three data blocks about the level. But we have to massage that data a bit before we can use it. It is stored compressed and we have to uncompress it before we can use it.
I'm not going to post the uncompress code here because it's not easy to understand. It will be part of the source I post for the game data extractor, though. Some of you may want to use the game data directly, and that is relatively easy to do. Just incorporate the two expansion functions and away you go.
I'll put more here on the level data when I've got it throughly figured out. I've got part of it figured out but there are still some things that I don't understand. Rather than cause confusion from putting incorrect assumptions here, I'll just post an update when I figure them out completely.
B. The Game Graphics
I. PIC Images
The game graphics, like the map data, is stored in multiple files. There is code in the Wolf 3D source that deals with a combined graphics file, but I have not seen Wolf data configured this way. I can only assume that it is an old version which is relatively rare.
I'm not going to go into great detail about the compression algorithm used since the source is freely available to decompress the data. I'm just going to point out how and where the compression data is gotten and used.
The graphics data is stored in four files. There are two different types of graphics used in the game. The first are "pics" which are rectangular images that have no "holes" in them (no transparent parts). The other are sprites which are stored in a separate file and that have a completely different storage method (the part I struggled with at first).
The first thing you have to do to get at the pic images is to extract the Huffman coding table and fix the nodes. Then we can start to expand the compressed data as we need it. This coding table is stored in the file VGADICT.ext and is used by the UnHuffman routine to uncompress the data. It is only 1K in size.
The next thing you do is open the VGAHEAD.ext file which contains the starting positions (offsets) of all the pic images in the VGAGRAPH.ext file. This table is stored uncompressed. So all we have to do is read the data like this:
// globals typedef unsigned long ULONG; int MaxPics; unsigned long *GRStarts; dboolean LoadGraphicStarts(char *szExtension) { FILE *fp; char *filename[_MAX_PATH]; unsigned char v[3]; int pic; ULONG fsize; MaxPics = 0; strcpy(filename, "VGAHEAD."); strcat(filename, szExtension); if ((fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { return false; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fsize % 3) { // file size is not a multiple of three // it's not valid fclose(fp); return false; } MaxPics = fsize / 3; if ((GRStarts = (ULONG *)malloc(sizeof(ULONG)*MaxPics)) == NULL) { MaxPics = 0; fclose(fp); return false; } for (pic = 0; pic < MaxPics; pic++) { if (fread(v, 3, 1, fp) != 1) { GRStarts[pic] = v[0] + (v[1] << 8) + (v[2] << 16); MaxPics = 0; free(GRStarts); fclose(fp); return false; } } fclose(fp); return true; }What the above function does is opens the VGAHEAD.ext file, reads the starting points then closes. The graphic chunk starting points are stored as three byte integers. We know the data is stored as a series of three byte little endien integers so the file size must be an even multiple of three. And the total number of starting positions stored in the file is the file size divided by three. If the file size is 450 then 450 / 3 yields 150 starting points. Just don't forget to free this array when you're done with it. ;o)The next file we need to use is VGAGRAPH.ext file. This file contains a table that describes each picture as well as the pictures, themselves, text screens, a couple of binary screen fonts and, in Spear of Destiny, additional palettes. The picture table at the beginning of the file is compressed using Huffman coding so we have to uncompress this data before we can use it.
Each chunk in the VGAGRAPH file is stored in the same fashion. First we have to determine the size of the chunk by taking the offset of the next valid chunk and subtracting the offset of the current chunk from it. This tells us how large the compressed size of the chunk is. You have to skip over chunk offsets that have the offset of 0xFFFFFF. Then, when we read the data into a buffer, the first four bytes (another LE four byte integer) is the expanded size of the data chunk. This is important. For Huffman coding to work, we have to know the expanded size of the data chunk. And this tells us how big it is. Both for the Huffman coding decompression and for allocating a buffer the right size to hold the uncompressed data. The last offset in the file is the end of the file. So it's not a chunk and the actual number of possible chunks in the file is one less than the number of starting points.
There's a "gotcha" in the graphics data, too. The number of pictures stored in the VGAGRAPH file can't be learned from the data files. It's hardcoded into the various versions of the program. We need to know this to be able to extract the game's picture data because not all the chunks are pictures. Fortunately this information is in the headers of the released source for Wolf 3D versions. It is defined as NUMPICS. There also are not any gaps in the pictures in the file. They are stored sequentially in the file from chunk 3 up to the last picture chunk.
The reason we can't just use everything in the picture file is that not all of the data in the file is pictures. Part of it is palettes (SOD) and some of it is text images (screen attribute/character combinations).
So, now we've got the uncompression data from the VGADICT file, the graphic starts from the VGAHEAD file and the picture data from the VGAGRAPH file. How do we use this?
We need to know what's in the pictable first.
The pictable is a list of image dimensions. They are contained in a structure like this:
typedef struct { short width; // 16 bit integer short height; // 16 bit integer }pictable_t;As you can see, they are nothing more than a series of width/height combinations for the pictures in the file. To extract the pictures, we just loop from chunk 3 to the last picture chunk (defined by NUMPICS).We're not home free, yet with the picture data. Now that we know the dimensions of each picture and can read the data for each one, we still have to make "sense" out of it.
The picture data is stored in an odd fashion. I worked out how to "decode" the pictures but I can't for the life of me remember what I did to them. I only wrote the code back in June but I've forgotten what the code is doing. Seems like they were stored in VGA planes or something. Anyway, I'll post the code to put them back together at some point. But I want to comment the code so you can tell what it's doing. It looks odd enough that I can't tell from a casual look and I wrote it... :o)
There's one more thing we have to do for these images before we can use them as textures. We have to expand the color indexed texels with a palette so we have real colors. The file gamepal.obj which was released with the source code to Wolfenstein is there because the palette for the game was linked in as part of the executable. Unfortunately, this object file can't be linked into a 32 bit program. So I wrote a 16 program to link to it and then wrote the palette out into a file called gamepal.pal. It's a 768 byte raw palette. All we have to do is match the palette entries to the color indices of the texels and we have a viewable image.
Spear of Destiny uses a separate palette for the title screen. It is the chunk named TITLEPALETTE. You will need to load this chunk from the file and uncompress it for use with the two parts of the title screen. The end screens also have their own palettes as does the "easter egg" image IDGUYS. All of the palette's chunk numbers are in the header files. Just do a "find in files" (or a grep in Linux) on *.h for PALETTE.
We can now move on to the sprites.
II. Sprite Images
The next file we need to look at is VSWAP.ext. Now this file is somewhat special because it contains not only the sprite images, but also the digitized sounds in the game as well as the texture data for the wall textures. This is the only mixed media file used in Wolf/SOD.
The format of VSWAP is relatively simple. At the beginning of the file, is a header that holds information about the file's contents. Its structure looks like this:
typedef struct { short ChunksInFile; // 16 bit integer short SpriteStart; // 16 bit integer short SoundStart; // 16 bit integer }PM_FileHeader;As you can see, this header tells us how many chunks there are in this file, where the sprites start and where the digitized sounds start. We read this header this way:// globals PM_FileHeader PageHead; dboolean ReadPageHead(char *szExtension) { FILE *fp; char *filename[_MAX_PATH]; memset(&PageHead, 0, sizeof(PM_FileHeader)); strcpy(filename, "VSWAP."); strcat(filename, szExtension); if ((fp = open(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { return false; } if (fread(&PageHead.ChunksInFile, sizeof(short), 1, fp) != 1) { memset(&PageHead, 0, sizeof(PM_FileHeader)); fclose(fp); return false; } if (fread(&PageHead.SpriteStart, sizeof(short), 1, fp) != 1) { memset(&PageHead, 0, sizeof(PM_FileHeader)); fclose(fp); return false; } if (fread(&PageHead.SoundStart, sizeof(short), 1, fp) != 1) { memset(&PageHead, 0, sizeof(PM_FileHeader)); fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; }Next, we need to know how to get at those chunks in the file. To do that there are two tables stored in the file immediately after the header. The first is a list of offsets in the VSWAP file of all the data chunks in that file. The second is a list of the lengths of all the chunks in the VSWAP file. We create a single structure to hold both of these pieces of data that has the structure show below:typedef struct { long offset; // Offset of chunk into file short length; // Length of the chunk }PageListStruct;To read these two tables and get them into this structure, we get a little creative. Like this:// globals PageListStruct *PageList; //locals FILE *fp int i; fp = fopen("VSWAP.WL1", "rb"); // or whatever the extension is... fseek(fp, sizeof(PM_FileHeader)*PageHead.ChunksInFile), SEEK_SET); PageList = (PageListStruct *)malloc(sizeof(PageListStruct)*PageHead.ChunksInFile); memset(PageList, 0, sizeof(PageListStruct)*PageHead.ChunksInFile); for (i = 0; i < PageHead.ChunksInFile; i++) { fread(PageList[i].offset, sizeof(long), 1, fp); } for (i = 0; i < PageHead.ChunksInFile; i++) { fread(PageList[i].length, sizeof(short), 1, fp); } fclose(fp);What I've done is split the code above out of the function before it. In reality you don't need to do the second seek but I put it there so you would know where we start reading the tables. The reason I read each element at a time rather than the entire table is because of data alignment by the compiler. I don't want the data aligned differently than it is in the file. So I read one element at a time which I don't have to worry about byte/word/dword/qword alignment, then.So, now we know where everything is in the file and how big each chunk is, where the walls, sprites and digitized sounds start. Now all we have to do is extract that data and make sense of it.
Extracting the sprite images
Figuring out how to extract the sprites started off as an exercise in frustration. I knew going into it that most (if not all) of the data to draw the sprites had to be in the sprites but what I couldn't figure out was where the actual texel data was coming from. As much as I studied the assembly code for the scalers, it just didn't make sense (even after John Carmack was kind enough to explain the general workings). So I got out my 8086 book, coded the scalers and integrated a sprite into the code. I then figured out what was going on from the pointer (SI and DI) calculations.
When you first look at it, the sprite scaler seems terribly convoluted until you realise that they are just simple pixel expanding drawing sequences. They are drawing loops unwound into giant drawing sequences. Once I figured that out they just sort of popped out at me.
Here's how they're stored.
Each sprite is a 64 texel wide and 64 texel high block. It is a sparse array and is packed as RLE columns. The first part of the sprite is two short integers (two bytes each) that tell the left and right extents of the sprite. By extents I mean that the left extent is the first column on the left with a colored texel in it. And the right extent is the last column on the right that has a colored texel in it.
Immediately after this data (four bytes into the sprite) is a list of two byte offsets into the file that has the drawing information for each of those columns. The first is the offset for the left extent column and the last is the offset for the right extent column with all the other column offsets stored sequentially between them.
Now comes the interesting part. Each of these offsets, points to a possible list of drawing commands for the scalers to use to draw the sprite. Each column segment instruction is a series of 6 bytes. If the first two bytes of the column segment instructions is zero, then that is the end of that column and we can move on to the next column.
To interpret these columns was the tricky part. Each of these offsets points to an offset into an array of short unsigned integers in the original game which are the offsets of individual rows in the unwound column drawers. So if we take the starting position (which is the first two bytes) and divide it by two, we have one end of the column segment. The other end of that segment is the last two bytes (of the six byte instruction) and we also divide that by two to get the ending position of that column segment. But where do we get the texels to draw from?
The area between the end of the column segment offset list and the first column drawing instructions is the actual texels of the sprite. Only the colored texels are stored here and they are stored sequentially as are the column drawing instructions. There is a one to one correspondence between each drawing instruction and the texels stored here. Each column segment's height uses that many texels from this pool of texels.
My code looks like this:
typedef struct { unsigned short leftpix, rightpix; unsigned short dataofs[64]; }shape_t; byte bmpbuff[64*64]; byte alphamap[64*64]; int idx, i, x, y, s, d; unsigned char *sprite; unsigned short linecmds, *cmdptr; short *sprdata; shape_t *shape; sprite = (unsigned char *)malloc(PMPages[page].length); lseek(PageFile, PMPages[page].offset, SEEK_SET); read(PageFile, sprite, PMPages[page].length); shape = (shape_t *)sprite; // set the texel index to the first texel i = ((((shape->rightpix-shape->leftpix)+1)*2)+4); // clear the buffers memset(bmpbuff,0,64*64); memset(alphamap,0,64*64); // setup a pointer to the column offsets cmdptr = shape->dataofs; for (x = shape->leftpix; x <= shape->rightpix; x++) { linecmds = *cmdptr; sprdata = (unsigned short *)(sprite+linecmds); idx = 0; while (sprdata[idx] != 0) { for (y = (sprdata[idx+2]/2); y < (sprdata[idx]/2); y++) { bmpbuff[((63-y)*64)+x] = sprite[i]; alphamap[((63-y)*64)+x] = 255; i++; } idx += 3; } cmdptr++; } free(sprite);It's not pretty but it works. I'll probably go back and clean it up some as well as make more fault tolerant. I just wanted to get the sprites extracted, first, though. Part of the reason for doing it this way is that I don't have to correct the offsets of the drawing instructions to four byte multiples as I would have to do if I read each part discretely. (as a separate entity)Well, that's all the game graphics. Extracting them is pretty straight forward once you know how they're stored. The sprite storage is a bit convoluted but not terribly so. It's just not at all intuitive. Especially with the texels stored as a contiguous block and the segment column offsets doubled.
By the way, the middle two bytes of each of the column segment drawing instructions has the offset of the texels for that segment. But no matter how I look at it I can't figure out what they're an offset from. There doesn't appear to be anything in the data or the file that it could be from. I'm going to keep looking at it but I don't know if I'll ever figure that out. It doesn't really matter though since the algorithm above will extract the sprites just fine.
III. The Wall Textures
The wall textures were relatively easy to extract. All I had to do was to use the PageList gotten above and understand that all the chunks in the page file before the sprites and digitized sounds were wall textures. I also knew that all the wall textures were 64 by 64 with no holes in them (just like the flats in Doom). What I didn't know at first was that they were stored rotated 90 degrees as a series of vertical columns rather than horizontal raster lines.
So after I read each wall texture in, I had to rotate it 90 degrees. Otherwise you'll have to draw it as vertical columns. I preferred to have it as a normal image, though. So I rotated them.
C. The Game Sounds
More later...
Contents copyright © 1999, Bruce A. Lewis
All Rights Reserved.
Wolfenstein 3D © 1992, is a Registered
Trademark of id Software
Spear of Destiny © 1993, is a Registered
Trademark of id Software